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Teen Patti

Teen Patti is an extremely popular card game in India. It is played as a gambling game with real money in both land-based and online casinos. People even play it casually with friends or family as a fun and entertaining activity. If you want to learn to play this game and try your hand at it, we will explain everything you need to know about Teen Patti in this post.

What is Teen Patti?

Teen Patti is the Indian adaptation of the Three-Card Brag game, which originally came from England. Several elements of this game are similar to poker, which you will see for yourself as we explain more about the game later on.

The name ‘Teen Patti’ translates to ‘three cards’ in English as every player is dealt three cards to play within each round. The game also goes by the name of Flash or Flush in other parts of the world.

How Do You Play Teen Patti In India?

The game of Teen Patti usually involves three to six players and uses a deck of 52 cards. Of course, there can be games where more than six players participate, so it’s not a fixed number. Here is a step by step process to play the game:

Ranking Of The Cards

Now the only thing you need to know is the ranking of the three cards in each player’s hand, which decides which hand wins. The ranking is listed below in descending order, starting from the highest.


A trail is a set of three same cards, for example, three Sevens or three Queens. A trail beats every other card combination, and in the case of two or more trails, the bigger trail will win. Three Aces is the highest trail in the game, and then it goes down to three Kings, Queens, and so on.

Straight Flush

A straight flush is a set of three consecutive cards of the same suit, for example, 2, 3, and 4 of spades. It’s the second-highest combination after the trail. The biggest straight flush is Ace, King, and Queen, and after that is Ace, Two, and Three. The third biggest one is King, Queen, Jack, and it goes down from there.

Sequence or Run

A run is also a set of three consecutive cards like straight flush but from different suits. It follows the same hierarchical order as a straight flush, with Ace, King, and Queen being the biggest run.


Colour is a set of three non-consecutive cards but all from the same suit, for example, 3, 6, and 8 of hearts. If both players have colours, the hand which has the biggest card will win. For example, if player 1 has King, 10, and 7 of spades while player 2 has Jack, 9, and 8 of hearts, then player 1 will win since King is the biggest card in play.


A pair is a hand with two same cards, while the third one can be any other card, such as two 10s and a 7. If two players have both got pairs, the higher pair will win. In the rare case that two players have the same pair, the one whose third card is bigger will win.

High Card

A high card is a set of three cards which doesn’t match any of the above combinations, meaning that all three cards are different, non-consecutive, and from different suits. This is the lowest ranking combination, and if two players have both got high cards, the one with the highest card will win. If the highest card is the same for both, the one with the second-highest card will win. If that too is the same, then the third card will decide the winner.

So the ranking of the card goes as:

Trail > Straight Flush > Run > Colour > Pair > High Card

How Do I Choose The Best Indian Casino For Teen Patti?

Most Indian online casinos include Teen Patti in their list of games because it is extremely popular among Indian players. So, you have many casinos to choose from where you can wager real money on Teen Patti. Just keep these things in mind when choosing the best casino:

How Popular Is Teen Patti In India?

Teen Patti is hugely popular in both land-based and online casinos in India. In fact, it’s popularity is not just limited to casinos as it’s played commonly in events or even just as a casual game with no money and bets involved. One of the main reasons for its popularity is that it is a quick and simple game that combines multiple elements such as luck, prediction, and calculation, bluffing, and mental manipulation.

So, it’s safe to say that Teen Patti is easy to play and get used to, has exciting and entertaining gameplay, and is one of the most popular gambling card games in India.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On Teen Patti

Yes, in most online casinos, you will get the option to play the demo version of Teen Patti, free to play. The only catch is that you will be playing against AI players in the demo, so you can get used to the game before you face real players in a live casino.

Both blind and seen players have their pros and cons, and it’s mostly a matter of preference based on your gameplay. A blind player wagers less than a seen player, so their risks are minimized, but the drawback is that without seeing the cards, they will totally be playing on luck. Having viewed their hand, a seen player can make a better decision on whether to call, raise, or fold. But their loss is that they must bet twice as much as blind players.

For most of the part, Teen Patti is a game of luck based on what cards you are dealt. So there is no strategy to win a lot in Teen Patti, and at the end of the day, you will mostly be playing on luck. The only thing you can do from your end is to psychologically manipulate the other player’s decision with some mind tricks to try and make them fold their cards.